Today, I would like to talk about servant leadership. The scripture for today's topic comes from John 13:12-15. "When He had finished washing their feet He put on His clothes and returned to His place. Do you understand what I have done for you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you do as I have done for you."
In the movie Remember the Titans, there is a scene in which two football players are arguing about one's attitude. The conversation ends with this statement "Attitude reflects leadership, captain." In sports and in life, we have to remember that in order to lead others we have to check ourselves first: our example, our priorities, our attitudes. People will never follow what they don't see.
The greatest leader of all time, Jesus Christ, showed a powerful example of leadership and servanthood found in the previous scripture (John 13:12-15). Why would the Son of God wash the dirty feet of His followers? He did so to show that you are never too important to lower yourself and serve even the least of whom the world deems worthy. Foot washing is not set down as an ordinance but as an example (v.15) of all forms of humble service modeled by the Lord's foot washing (1 Timothy 5:10).
Often we call ourselves a servant of Christ, but what happens when someone treats us like one? We get offended, think we deserve better, decide we are better than them, and choose not to serve that person in love. Is that what Christ did? No. One of the people whose feet Jesus washed was Judas. Jesus knew what Judas would do. Did that disqualify him from getting his feet washed?
Jesus knelt and served him anyway. Jesus has set the example that, no matter how basic the task, we should be willing to serve others at all times, even when it means getting our hands dirty. Jesus always dealt with tax collectors, the crippled, the lepers, the “dirtiest” of people, but we often think that these interactions are beneath us. We are naturally selfish creatures, and it takes work to put others above ourselves, but sometimes it is the lowest and most humbling of our actions that best show the love we have for others.
Lastly, I would like to discuss a very important biblical principle found in verses 9 and 10 of John chapter 13. The difference between relationship and fellowship. This principle is so profound that the inability to understand and discern will hinder your spiritual growth and maturity in Christ Jesus. Also, the inability to discern between relationship and fellowship will make certain passages of scripture confusing and frustrating. In verse 8, Peter told Jesus "No, never shall You wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with Me." Ongoing partnership or fellowship with Jesus is conditioned on the recurrent cleansing of the believer as he confesses his sins (1 John 1:9).
By asking Jesus to wash his whole body out of enthusiasm, Peter is then in companionship with the Lord. Jesus’ instructions to Peter about two distinct cleansings must not be overlooked. He who has bathed, a complete washing under the cleansed blood of Jesus Christ, this refers to our genuine relationship that occurs at salvation. A one-time cleansing.
He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, because he is completely clean. The bath represents the complete, unrepeatable cleansing of the new birth; the washing of the feet pictures the repeated cleansing needed for intimacy or fellowship with Christ after salvation. This intimacy requires walking in the light and confessing one's sins (see 1 John 1:6-9). To wash one another's feet (v. 14) includes laying down our lives for our brothers and sisters (John 10:11,14,17; John 15:13; 1 John 3:16).
Questions to Ponder:
1. Are there people in your life that you have trouble serving?
2. Is pride getting in the way of you allowing someone to serve you?
3. How can you serve others today?
4. How can you display servant leadership this week?
5. How can you "wash people's feet" in your life?
Additional References:
● Matthew 20:25-28
● Philippians 2:3-11
● Deuteronomy 10:10-13
● Joshua 22:5
● Joshua 24:15
● Ephesians 6:7
● Colossians 3:17, 23
FCA Bible Studies
● Leadership and Attitude
● How to Lead
● The Smallest of Tasks
The Moody Bible Commentary (page 1645). Moody Publishers 820 N. LaSalle Boulevard Chicago IL 60610